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Young Professionals across Nigeria gather to launch the CORY Workshop

The Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth (CORY) workshop was held in Nigeria at Songhai Farms, Rivers State from 14th to 15th July, 2014. It was a 2 day workshop aimed at informing participants of the overview of CORY project and opportunities available for rural youths 15-35 years in Farm and Non-farm enterprises in the next 3 years (2014 – 2017), understanding... Continue reading
  1166 Hits
1166 Hits

Working towards the Chinese Dream

As we all know, in the past decades, China has undergone an unprecedented urbanization process and a rapid economic growth. At the same time, the ecology and environment have also been seriously destructed. Air quality is degraded and is threatening the public health; water pollution, water shortage and related disasters all together had made the overall situation more difficult to handle.... Continue reading
  875 Hits
875 Hits