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Zoom in 2013 YPARD Brazil !

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together” was said by one the greatest painters, Vincent van Gogh, and perfectly describes the journey of YPARD Brazil from July – when I was nominated YPARD Brazil representative – to November – when we had the first event of YPARD Brazil. New country, new team,... Continue reading
  1116 Hits
1116 Hits

YPARD India is looking for your participation in its Working Group!

Hello "YPs" in AR4D in India, You may be aware that during National workshop on 'Foresight and Future Pathways of Agricultural Research Through Youth in India' (FFPARTY) held on March1-2, 2013 at New Delhi, YPARD-India was re-introduced! YPARD-India is an initiave by and for Young  Agri-Professionals. It aims at better networking, strengthening linkages and knowledge sharing between different Agri. Professionals including... Continue reading
  988 Hits
988 Hits

New Resources on: Climate Smart Agriculture | Smallholder Value Chains | Youth in Action

Centre for Sustainable Development's special June Newsletter on the Best New Resources for Adaptation, Resilience and Sustainability presents best international resources on climate change, climate smart agriculture, smallholder value chains, health and water. Centre for Sustainable Development encounters so many excellent nonprofit, climate change, DRR and development  resources that we periodically compile them in a special issue newsletter. Access and download these resources. June... Continue reading
  924 Hits
924 Hits