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Climate change and food systems: the role of women

Africa has approximately thirty-three million small farms, representing eighty percent of all farms in the region. Majority of Africa’s smallholder farmers are women localised in rural areas of the region. The world is now facing a new era of climate change and the impacts are already being felt most by smallholder women farmers. It is now widely acknowledged that climate change impacts... Continue reading
  1059 Hits
1059 Hits

The Project SIMPLE- building alumni centers connecting students and the professional sector

This blog piece highlights the achievements of the Project SIMPLE at the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia through an interview between Libuška Valešová, YPARD Europe coordinator and Koemseang Nhuong,  General Coordinator and Lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing of the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia and member of the SIMPLE project management team of... Continue reading
  861 Hits
861 Hits

The Training Package and Resource Kit for Women in Enterprise is online!

Did you know about the new International Labour Organization (ILO) kit? It consists of a training package called "Gender and Entrepreneurship Together – GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise"– that aims to assist ILO partner organizations in promoting enterprise development among women and young girls in poverty who want to start or are already engaged in small-scale business. The so called... Continue reading
  902 Hits
902 Hits

GFAR: Why Agriculture Needs Young People

Currently, 2.5 billion people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Globally, the average age of farmers is around 55 years. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Statistical Yearbook 2013, 27 percent of the world's population is under 10 years old compared to only 8 percent over 65 years old. It's clear that agriculture needs to attract younger farmers. In Europe, one-third of all... Continue reading
  940 Hits
940 Hits