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The Training Package and Resource Kit for Women in Enterprise is online!

Sunrise FlowerDid you know about the new International Labour Organization (ILO) kit? It consists of a training package called "Gender and Entrepreneurship Together – GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise"– that aims to assist ILO partner organizations in promoting enterprise development among women and young girls in poverty who want to start or are already engaged in small-scale business. The so called ILO kit sets out the main aims and strategies and provides tips and resource materials for trainers as well as hints for organizing training on GET Ahead for women in enterprise as main objective.

Moreover, the training package is organized in four main sections and covers a total of 10 modules which contain different series of exercises on gender equality promotion, business success, or self and team management. Besides this, there are many practical examples which address different tasks that a woman can carry out during her day-by-day work: briefing notes, holding brainstorming sessions, or dealing with cash flow plans.

Each exercise starts with listing the specific learning objectives for participants, gives an overview of the training aids needed, outlines possible preparatory activities which need to be carried out before the start of an exercise and provides a step-by-step session plan.

Access the training package by downloading it from YPARD's e-library.

Picture credit: Sunrise flower, by Sarah Price.

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