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Welcome YPARD representative for Russia: Iana Perevoshchikova

YanaWe are delighted to welcome YPARD country representative in Russia: Iana Perevoshchikova

The floor is to Iana for her to introduce herself to you:

“I was very lucky with my biology teacher at school, where the interest came from. As a good specialist in the field, she ran a Youth Laboratory of Nature Research, which I attended. We went to a lot of field trips, wrote first research works and participated in Olympiads and conferences.

I’ve graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences Saint-Petersburg State University, and my major is Ecologist.  Then I continued and did a Master Programme in Biology and Nature Protection.

Finally, I won Erasmus Mundus scholarship and did a Master in Horticultural Sciences, which took place in three European Universities: University of Bologna (Italy), Technical University of Munich (Germany) and University of Life Sciences in Vienna (Austria). This programme introduced me to the field of agriculture and gave me possibility to be a part of international society. I wrote a master thesis about the market of organic fruits and vegetables in Saint-Petersburg.

As ecologist and horticultural specialist, I support the idea of organic agriculture. I was working in Saint-Petersburg Ecological Union as organic inspector and we also performed ecological certification of different goods. This is one of the spheres of my interest. Another one is agrifood marketing, as at my second master course there were very interesting courses in marketing and economic. It’s quite important to be familiar with these issues in order to bring some ideas in practice.

I also like psychology; I’ve received an additional degree in psychological and pedagogical aspects of teaching, and was working in a company, which organizes team-building corporate events.

About YPARD , I found out about it from my friend, and I decided to join it, as I support and share it beliefs and ideas. Nowadays, mostly old people are involved in agriculture in Russia, moreover, this field seems to be not a perspective for young people. It is a great challenge and desire to change these attitudes, to make young people involved in this field, to share ideas and bring innovations in agriculture. The food issues can’t stand behind, it’s necessary to develop this sector again in our country and to make new generations involved in it."

Warm welcome, Iana. You lead the very first YPARD steps on Russian land while holding its flag high! Your interests and expertise are invaluable for you to be a key team player within YPARD and we can’t wait having more Russian Young Professionals to join YPARD Community!

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