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Welcoming new YPARD Steering Committee members!

YPARD has welcomed two new steering committee members in November 2011: Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu and Emmanuel Nzeyimana.


Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu is Romanian. He is Policy Officer at Groupe de Bruges, a leading independent European think tank, and is being involved with some parts of the implementation of the EL-CAP, an e-learning course on the European Common Agricultural Policy. He is also an expert economist in management with the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, evaluating reimbursement requests on ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funded projects. He has recently completed his PhD with a specialization in Management and marketing in agriculture. He will be soon launching the YPLD - Young Professionals in Local Development, a platform focusing on international and local development that already partners with international organizations and has representatives worldwide.

Codrin works with a broad network of agricultural and rural development experts and organizations. His network includes academia all across Europe (and partially America, Africa and Asia), companies` representatives, national and European institutions members, MEPs` (member of the European Parliament), civil servants in the EC (European Commission), EP (European Parliament) and others. As a YPARD Steering Committee member, he asserted his willingness in notably assisting YPARD movement in developing its international partnerships.


NZEYIMANA Emmanuel is Economist from National University of Rwanda. He has been an active member and a leader of various Youth movements in Rwanda; in the early 1997, with others they started the Pan African Movement Chapter in Rwanda. He joined the Youth Association for Human Rights Promotion and Development of which he has been the Legal Representative for more than 4 years. In 2005 he joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda where he held various key positions in a World Bank Project; the Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP), firstly as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, secondly as Regional Project Coordinator and finally as Project Senior Economist. He worked for more than 5 years in the area of capacity building of farmers and their CBOs in agriculture techniques, in market linkage, business planning and fund mobilization.

Emmanuel joined YPARD and became the first Representative in Rwanda in 2007. He mobilized the first members of YPARD in Rwanda and in the region (Uganda and Burundi), and has organized the first regional (East Africa) YPARD Workshop in which the Representatives of YPARD in Burundi and Uganda were elected (March 2011). He volunteered in several Regional and Global Organizations and Networks notably the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Net (EHAHRDNet ). In July 2011, he joined the Digital Opportunity Trust, DOT-Rwanda, as Program Manager, bringing in his vast experience to support the Organization (DOT) to achieve its ultimate goal of alleviating the poverty by enabling the communities (Youth and women) with ICT skills that will radically change their ways of living.

As a member of YPARD Steering Committee, he is committed to strive for the development of YPARD and its members worldwide, in order to ensure a YPs-led ARD, for a sustainable agricultural development.


We are glad and looking forward working with them more closely. Their active contribution previously as YPARD members and YPARD country representative gave a promising foretaste of their genuine knowledge and understanding about YPARD, and their deep motivation.  Warm welcome!


De bonnes perspectives pour des jeunes horticulteu...
YPARD members at the Science Forum 2011, Beijing

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