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Welcoming YPARD Representative for Trinidad and Tobago - Keron Bascombe!

YPARD welcomes Keron Bascombe as YPARD Representative for Trinidad and Tobago.

Keron Bascombe is a writer, blogger and budding agri journalist from the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago. Currently he reads for a Msc in Agribusiness and Marketing at the University of the West Indies (UWI). However due to experiencing several other learning environments he is now set on a career in Agricultural Journalism. He has developed a?passion?for this field and seeking the experience to complement this desire as freelance writer, and social media enthusiast. Apart from these main goals, Keron has experience in agricultural research, social media strategy and has represented his university and country at numerous agri related conferences and events.

Keron is the creator and editor of the blog The blog's goal is to?act as a platform to assist persons in realizing the multitude of technological applications that exist in agriculture, to assist in the development of young agripreneurs and support the agriculturally inclined public by empowering its followers through the provision of an interesting and innovative agri-information service.?

As a dedicated youth in agriculture, Keron has served as an executive member and is the current president of the Agribusiness Society of the UWI, a student run organisation at the said university. Its aim is to ensure the adequate facilitation of conditions that enable the development of agri-entrepreneurs, by empowering students through practical exposure, professional development, networking and student service.

As a YPARD Country representative, the immediate goal is to sensitize the university’s student body to YPARD and its objectives via a partnership with the Agribusiness Society. In the long term it is hoped that the message of YPARD can be spread to other agri education institutions. As the agribusiness society is well networked in the local and regional setting a marketing strategy involving email and social media communication is to be enacted upon in the short term for as many agri related groups as possible.

We have known Keron from his very active role in the field of ARD, online and at key conferences such as GCARD2. We are glad to count him in. Keron will be a pioneer for YPARD in the Carribean and we are looking forward to having more representatives in the Latin Amercia and Carribean (LAC) region.

If you are a young enthusiastic person active in the field of agriculture in LAC and would like to get more information on how to get more involved with YPARD, write to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 (copied to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。).

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