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Welcoming YPARD Social Media intern, Emmie Kio!

YPARD is glad to welcome Emmie Kio as remote YPARD Social Media Intern for 3 months, 10 hours a week.

Emmie will take part in strengthening YPARD Social Media strategy and support information sharing and interaction through social media platforms such as Facebook group and page, Linkedin group, Twitter and more!

Emmie Kio is from Kenya. She holds a bachelor of Agribusiness Management from Egerton University and currently is on internship at Plan International Kenya as a project officer Livelihoods program.

Her interests in agriculture were fueled by an Agribusiness Innovation Fair she attended back in 2010 organized by PanAAC and UniBRAIN  representing her university as a young agri-innovator. Meeting and interacting with various high profiled people in the agribusiness sector made her realize she was “in the right place at the right time studying the right subject!”

Currently, her interests are on how new agricultural practices and new technologies can be applied in agriculture to make it a more appealing profession especially to the young generation while still bridging the unemployment gap amongst these youths.

Her main focus areas are urban farming, online media application in agricultural institutions, agribusiness practices, ICTs applications in agriculture and how all of these work in tandem to fill the global food basket and hence contribute to food security.

“I am an ardent social media user applying various platforms to amplify youth interests in agriculture”, Emmie says. “As a result, my blog Tracking the Scent  scooped the inaugural Bloggers association of Kenya award in the Best Agriculture Blog category. I have been involved in various social reporting conferences but the most evident was the GCARD 2 conference. In addition, I have been able to pave way for a social media presence in my current organization by creating a draft strategy and I hope I will be able to propagate the same ideas in YPARD.

I look forward to a future where people change their mindsets on farming as a poor man’s profession but rather view it as a mother of all professions. For without the farmer there will be no food to sustain the doctor, or the engineer or the economist. All fields need to interplay in a balanced way. 

I can see that future because I am part of the change I so strongly wish to see.”

Emmie’s smartness and swiftness will be powerful assets for boosting YPARD Social Media activities and therefore YPARD Community interaction online! Welcome, Emmie; we are eager to carrying on working with you through this internship!

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