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Youth - Have your say on the future shape of CGIAR research


CGIAR is working on the planning of the next phase of the CGIAR’s strategy and programmes. These documents play a key role in setting the frame, for shaping an effective international agricultural research.

It is thus crucial that all partners involved in the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) have their say in these processes  - among which YPARD Community and Young Professionals in general!

The Strategy & Results Framework Management Update document has been prepared by the CGIAR Consortium, the draft is now available for your comments. (see at the end of the article)

We solicit your views – as individuals, organizations, institutions - to help shape this strategy and the next phase of CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs).

GFAR Secretariat will be gathering your comments and put them together as the input of the Global Forum which we all belong to. Mark Holderness, GFAR Executive Secretary, will be attending a face-to-face meeting in early February on behalf of GFAR stakeholders to feedback your thoughts to the CGIAR Consortium.

To help structure your responses and summarize the views expressed about the CGIAR Strategy, GFAR Secretariat proposes you a set of categories based on the GCARD Roadmap and GFAR MTP (frameworks of  CGIAR strategy)

Please therefore comment in relation to your role and work in each of these areas:

  1. Farmers and  national stakeholders empowered and informed to better negotiate their own agricultural futures
  2. Equitable and effective demand-driven partnerships enabled to transform agricultural research and innovation into impacts at scale
  3. Transformative investments in AR4D systems stimulated to better meet the needs and opportunities of the resource-poor
  4. Collective initiatives fostered to generate new capacities in transforming AR4D systems
  5. Agricultural research and knowledge embedded into rural development agendas and better meeting societal needs
  6. Accountability, transformational change and development impacts in AR4D systems increased through greater strategic coherence and more transparent stakeholder involvement

Please identify your organization and its national/regional/global focus (please also let us know if you do not wish to be personally identified in the response). Please also mention your affiliation to YPARD ( #young_professional).

Frank Rijsberman’s message also sets out questions regarding the future form expected of CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), again we ask for your inputs and perspectives.

Please send your responses to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 by Wednesday 5th February.

Documents : CGIAR partners and stakeholders drafts of: (a) the 2014 CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework Management Update (SRF Management Update – find it here); and (b) the Guidance for the CRP 2nd Call (find it here).

You have the possibility to help define and shape the environment within which you work - the "big picture", as we say. It may seem far away from you, but it does influence your daily life! Have your say; make a change!

Rejoins l'équipe de YPARD Guinea!
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