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Youth in Landscapes initiative 2015

"To bring young people with lots of energy to the table to try and discuss pressing and complex issues was just a fantastic opportunity”. Ashwin Ravikumar, young researcher at CIFOR, during 2014 Global Landscapes Forum youth session.

CFS YouthDeveloping the knowledge, skills, and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

In order to face the food security and nutrition challenges of the future – including feeding the estimated 9 billion people by 2050 with adequate, safe, diversified, and nutrient rich food - there is a need to build the capacity of the next generation of agricultural producers, by identifying ways to engage and empower youth – both women and men.

Contrary to the belief that agriculture is for the uneducated, 24 year old Alpha is a graduate of economics from the University of Nairobi. He chose to use his education to grow his farming business and work on youth development and empowerment projects.

“Growing up I always wanted to practise agriculture better than my dad did. As a young kid I used to plant my own vegetables. Whenever my dad would sell his vegetables, he would also sell the ones I grew as well. And then I would get the money which I saved or used for my needs,” he says.

As the manager of Alpham Fresh farm, Alpha keeps dairy cows, poultry and cultivates horticultural crops organically. Alpha has big dreams for his business; he wants it to grow into one of the leading agri-products companies in his county of Kiambu and even the country.

According to Alpha, the three biggest challenges African farmers like him face, are access to finance, technical support and information.

   “Agriculture is a capital intensive venture and therefore requires sources of access to finances for expansion of the business. This has been difficult because financial institutions are charging high interest rates.”

“It is also difficult to access extension services, veterinary services among others. Finally, most farmers lack easy access to critical information such as disease outbreaks, prices of inputs and different inputs available.”

But teaming up with other farmers in the area, and getting online, have both changed the way that Alpha works.

“The internet has given me access to various platforms where I acquire knowledge and I am also able network with other farmers. Also, joining farmer associations has helped me a great deal. It has helped me to overcome the challenges of access to finances. Now that I am part of a savings in the group, I can access veterinary services from a veterinary doctor that is sourced and paid for by the group, as well as cheaper access to farm inputs sourced by the group.”

On September 25th 2015, world leaders will commit to The Global Goals ( for sustainable development including ending extreme poverty and fighting inequality. Malawi’s young farmers sing out loud ( to show farming can be one way to do this. Their song Kondwa was inspired by the song ‘Happy’ ( by Pharrell Williams. 

This is the application for the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL), which will be held in Paris, France, from December 1- 6th 2015. Make sure you go to the bottom of this page and click "How to apply" to access the application form.

We will select 50 youth innovators and split them into 5 teams to work with organisations to overcome real-world landscapes challenges during a 4 day intensive leadership development and project accelerator program from December 1-4 in Paris.

The ideas generated from these challenges will be pitched to a dragon’s den of business, policy and science experts for feedback during the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum on December 5 and 6 - the largest and most influential side event to the UNFCCC COP.

See for more information.

The 50 selected youth innovators will receive complimentary registration to the Global Landscapes Forum. We will be selecting across gender, nationality, age and encourage all regions of the world are encouraged to apply.

Selected youth innovators will be required to:
-Attend several preparatory webinars in November
-Be in Paris from 1-7th December solely for the purposes of joining the Youth in Landscapes Initiative. It will not be possible to attend COP sessions during this time however you are welcome to attend COP sessions after these dates.
-Write several blogs (introduction, reflection) that can be published on
-Participate in our evaluation processes

The deadline to apply is Sunday October 11th, 5pm CET. Applicants will be notified if they are successful by 19 October 2015.

We have a limited number of travel scholarships available for deserving applicants. However funding support is not guaranteed, so most selected delegates will be expected to raise their own funds to attend (though our partnerships team will be available to help you raise funds).

We will provide a formal letter of support to assist with visa applications.

We'll be running two webinars (different timezones) where you can find out what we’re looking for in our youth innovators and get some application tips. Plus we'll answer any questions you have about the application form or process.
Wednesday 30 September, 10am Rome/3pm Bangkok. Register:
Wednesday 7 October, 7pm Peru/8pm New York. Register:

Applicants will be selected based on their:
- Experience and understanding of landscape and sustainability issues
- Creative thinking
- Passion and motivation
- Ability to implement ideas and collaborate
- Clarity of responses

Please have all following information ready before starting the online form:
- Passport information
- Answers to the following questions:
1) What is your motivation for applying to attend YIL in Paris? (E.g. What is your story? Why do you care about sustainable, integrated landscape management? What do you hope to get from the experience?) (max 1500 characters, ~200 words)
2) Which of the five landscape challenges are you most interested in, and why? See ‎
3) What experience do you have with sustainable landscapes-related work? Include academics, research, advocacy, campaigning, community engagement etc. (max 1500 characters, ~250 words)
4) How are you planning to pass on what you learned during and after YIL to your country, region, community? (max 600 characters, ~100 words)
5) How do you operate within a team and how does that make you a valuable team member? Please support this with examples. (e.g. are you a co-ordinator, facilitator, supporter, thinker, doer etc.) (max 1000 characters, ~200 words)

Besides completing the form, all applicants are required to submit a 2 minute video telling us:
- What are the current challenges facing landscapes and how could you make positive changes now or in the future to address these?
- Give us an example that demonstrates your passion for the challenge you’ve selected.
- Why are you the perfect candidate for the 2015 Youth in Landscapes Initiative?

You will not be judged on the quality of your video production so feel free to record this on your phone/camera. These videos need to be publicly posted on YouTube or Vimeo. All applicant videos will be posted to as they are received and the public will get the opportunity to vote for their favorite applicants.

If you have any questions or concerns about this application, please e-mail Michelle Kovacevic at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 or join one of our webinars.

Good luck!!

How to Apply