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Almost without a doubt, the continent’s youth will be a major contributor. As the graph above shows, the percentage of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 14 is much higher than other regions and the world average. South Africa, with a relatively mature population compared to its neighbors, still skews quite young by world standards. Meanwhile, according to the U.N., Uganda’s approximately 35 million people have a median age of just 15.9, the youngest in the world.

The implications of Africa’s age demographics are numerous, and likely will have a significant impact on the world economy and global food security in the decades to come. The U.N. estimates that 17 million youth in Sub-Saharan Africa enter the job market every year. Many of these young workers are moving from rural areas to rapidly growing cities in pursuit of better livelihoods, giving the region an urbanization rate that is twice the world average. Today, about 40 percent of Africans live in cities, but that number is projected to pass 50 percent by 2030. Societies likely will face social and economic challenges in response to this migration. The continent will need to produce much more food as hundreds of millions of Africans cross into their early adult years, the time of life when people consume the highest number of calories.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out WHY you were born.' - Mark Twain

We have no control over the day we are born. But our journey to discover our life's purpose - why we are born - is something we can control.

Cewas is accepting applications for the upcoming 2015 cewas start-up programme

Each year cewas, the international centre for water management services, based in Willisau (Switzerland) offers young future-entrepreneurs a year-long course to turn their sustainable business idea into reality.

IAAS, International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences, is a student operated worldwide organization that connects students in the field of agriculture and food science. We connect students to make knowledge exchange possible on a global scale. We create a better understanding of new technologies and approaches, globalised processes and recognize emerging challenges.

To achieve our goal the annual World Congress is the most important event, where up to one hundred international students visit local research institutes and companies related to agriculture and food science. Enriched with lectures and discussions with experts, participants receive a uniquely important insight to the world outside our universities. We, IAAS, believe that education and the exchange of experience and knowledge is a key factor in building a better future.

Our #YouthFocus survey results provide suggestions for a more effective youth outreachOne of the main recommendations from the SIANI Annual meeting in January 2015 was to identify the ways to involve more youth in the discussion around agricultural development in general and in the SIANI network in particular. This lead to the launch of  SIANI #YouthFocus– an initiative dedicated to creation and production of agriculture and food security related communication for the youngest members of the SIANI network.

Finding out what would interest young members of our network most was a natural step of the #YouthFocus development. And so, we designed a survey and conducted a series of in-depth interviews to find out what is on the youth’s mind when we talk about agriculture and food security. We are now glad to present some initial conclusions from this work.

Growing A Future: The Green Shoots Foundation Works to Empower Cambodian Youth through Agriculture

The Green Shoots Foundation (GSF) works in six different countries throughout Asia, including Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan. GSF’s work, along with programs targeting healthcare and education, include a dynamic initiative developed over the last few years, called the Food & Agriculture and Social Entrepreneurship (FASE) program.