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How anyone can help the bees

Bees are more vital to our ecosystem (and your local grocery) than you may even know. “While bees are not the only pollinators we have … they're by far the best creatures for the job. In part, this is because they need pollen to feed their larvae, so they're biologically driven to gather the stuff.” notes. Because of this, protecting the... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcome to an upgraded YPARD website

If you have visited the YPARD website this week, you will notice a new look to the site.If you haven't, I am referring to the look above. The reason for this new look is an upgrade of the YPARD website content management system from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Despite being solely a website upgrade, we have done some few adjustments on the site to... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Plague of jellyfish: The economic and biological effect

On July 20th, YPARD-Egypt participated in a workshop on the impact and response to the recent infestation of Jellyfish along Egypt’s North Coast. The workshop was organized by the Arab Federation for Wildlife Protection (AFWP), an Arab League specialized organization, in association with the Institute of Environmental Research at Ain Shams University. The main aim of the workshop was to assess... Continue reading

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  • Egypt
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Improving the potatoes and banana value chains

As one of the outcome of the 2017 Young African Works Summit, there was creation of groups of peers from the same country to participate in a long-term cluster coaching sessions together. The YAW2017 Rwanda cluster led by Pacifique Nshimiyimana the founder of Real Green Gold and Clarisse Murekatete co-founder of Carl Group initiated the Farming & Agri-food Systems Connekt. The... Continue reading

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  • Rwanda
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Join YPARD’s webinar on strategies to grow your agricultural businesses

When: Saturday August 26th 2017 – at 15:00 Rome time (Use this tool helps you convert “Rome time” to your timezone) Duration: 90 minutes Young people around the world have innovative ideas for sustainable agricultural development but often struggle to access resources – lacking collateral, capital and connections. Our speakers who are currently involved in the Young Africa Works mentoring program ( a product of the... Continue reading

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  • Australia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Be active – build your future!

Everything started through a regular e-mail, which sent to my YPARD Russia group, where I’ve asked the participants whether they have some ideas or wishes to perform some actions together. I got a reply from Katy Bessonova (Project manager at SIANI and YPARD Russia group member) who introduced me to the world of SIANI – Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative. After... Continue reading

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  • Russian Federation
  • Promote agriculture among young people

YPARD – Ensuring an inclusive youth contribution to the AASW

Blogpost by Marina Cherbonnier and Peter Casier, two AASW social reporters. Blog post originally posted on The FARA-AASW Blog. Meet Marina Cherbonnier, the YPARD Web and Communications Officer. I call her a “can-do-it-all” ball of energy. She has a background in ICT4D (University of Manchester, UK) and in information and documentation sciences (UCO, Angers, France). She previously was an intern at... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

The future of ICT in the agri-food sector my EFITA conference experience

  European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA) is the European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector, the conference issupported by the collaboration of the World Congress on Computers in Agriculture (WCCA). The first EFITA was held in 1997, and the recent one held on July... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Call for a new YPARD Steering Committee Member from the private sector (for profit)

The Young Professionals Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD) is seeking a new Steering Committee (SC) member from the private sector in agriculture to guide its strategic development.  YPARD serves as a medium for Young Professionals (YPs) in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) to voice their views, exchange perspectives and work towards a more dynamic ARD.  YPARD has four strategic... Continue reading

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  • Italy

What is a “young” farmer?

  Jean-Michel Schaeffer     Tuo Lacina     Sok Sotha I would like to reflect on a question which I asked myself when I participated in the G120 at the end of June: how do different regions of the world envisage the concept of “youth” in agriculture? One of the French organizers of the G120 was the farmers’ union Jeunes... Continue reading

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  • France

Conversation on “’Empowering Youth Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Agriculture Engagement and Innovation” - World Food Prize 2011

Summary by YPARD - World Food Prize 2011 session, Friday 14 October This conversation was promising to address YPARD’s main focus: Youth , through the lens of leadership and entrepreneurship skills enhancement for innovation in Agriculture. A panel of very inspiring young people and youth supporters took part: A bright young Indian entrepreneur, CEO of Digital Green: Rikin Gandhi A passionate... Continue reading

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  • United States of America

“La idea es buena, pero qué gano yo, concretamente hablando, si me uno a YPARD-LAC?”

 Esta fue la primera pregunta que recibimos tras presentar YPARD-LAC ante un grupo de 25 estudiantes de primer semestre de maestría en ciencias agrícolas de una universidad pública en Colombia. La primera pregunta de la primera visita que hacemos a una universidad, con el ánimo de empezar a incrementar el número de integrantes de nuestra red en YPARD-LAC, nos llevó a... Continue reading

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  • Colombia
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Workshop on “Application of Indigenous knowledge for a sustainable agriculture” in Sri Lanka, 17th of January, 2012, Ruhuna

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, the YPARD center of Sri Lanka is organizing a workshop on 17th of January, 2012 on “Application of Indigenous knowledge for a sustainable agriculture”  from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm at the Agricultural Economics Auditorium. Local experts of the subject have been invited as resource persons. The workshop has been designed for young... Continue reading

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  • Sri lanka
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Qu’est-ce qu’un « jeune » agriculteur ?

  Jean-Michel Schaeffer     Tuo Lacina     Sok Sotha J’aimerais revenir sur une question que je me suis posé quand j’ai participé au G120 à la fin du mois de juin : comment les différentes régions du monde appréhendent-elles le concept de « jeune » en agriculture ? Un des organisateurs français du G120 était le syndicat Jeunes Agriculteurs, dont  les membres sont... Continue reading

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  • France

3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference – strengthening RUFORUM action!

The 3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference was held, last September, 24-28, 2012, in Entebbe, Uganda. The objective of this meeting was to exchange findings and experiences, and indentify lessons learned in order to improve performance of the agricultural sector. Discussions turned around strengthening Science and Technology capacity in Africa, strengthening value chains and innovation platform, and engaging African Youth in Rural Transformation.... Continue reading

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  • Uganda

"YPARD was my gateway. For you it could be."

I first entered the YPARD website in early 2011 through a link from CTA’s Knowledge for Development web portal which I explore often. I always see the YPARD logo/icon on the site but continued to ignore it since I did not know what doors it could open for me. After finishing what I was doing on that fateful day, a thought... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Welcome to our newest YPARD Steering Committee member!

YPARD is welcoming Nidhi Nagabhatla, the newest steering committee member. Nidhi is an Indian national, currently associated with the APEC- Climate Center in Korea working on climate change vulnerability and adaptation with real time climate data. She is a natural resource management expert with 12 years of multicultural and multinational experience in more than ten countries in Asia and Africa. She... Continue reading

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  • Republic of Korea

Demonstration in extension and advisory services

Demonstration in extension and rural advisory services   By Raymond Erick Zvavanyange   Key message The article offers practitioners the recommendation to revisit demonstration in extension and rural advisory service delivery.   A fundamental missing In preparation of my contribution to the YPARD/GFRAS e-discussion on extension/rural advisory services and young professionals, I re-read my previous article titled “Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension”... Continue reading

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  • Zimbabwe

Welcoming new YPARD Steering Committee members!

YPARD has welcomed two new steering committee members in November 2011: Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu and Emmanuel Nzeyimana.   Codrin Paveliuc-Olariu is Romanian. He is Policy Officer at Groupe de Bruges, a leading independent European think tank, and is being involved with some parts of the implementation of the EL-CAP, an e-learning course on the European Common Agricultural Policy. He is also an... Continue reading

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  • Romania

Welcoming the new YPARD Sweden representative: Sunil Abeyasekera

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Sweden representative Sunil Abeyasekera Sunil is currently undertaking MSc. Studies in Rural Development and Natural Resource Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. His research interests focus on the relationship between food security and climate change, and its effect on local livelihoods. He is also interested in the geopolitics of waters,... Continue reading

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  • Sweden
  • Promote agriculture among young people