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Farewell to YPARD interns, Sabina and Nawsheen!

6 months ago, Sabina and Nawsheen were taking the challenge to start a remote internship of around 10 hours a week with YPARD. Sabina, Tri-lingual Star! Sabina was working on translations of key documents, communications products and articles in English, French and Spanish. She benefitted of the supervision of French and Spanish mother language speakers able to reflect the texts within... Continue reading

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  • Access to resources and capacity building
  920 Hits
920 Hits

‘Things will only change if people in the room change' Final daily digest from GCARD2.

The GCARD2 communication team shared with us few numbers about GCARD2 coverage. "Giving space and voice to participants who did not travel to Uruguay; advocating the importance of agriculture in achieving a food secure future; and building capacities of young professionals, the leaders of tomorrow, to have a voice in shaping the world they will live in, were the three objectives... Continue reading
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0 Hits

“Holy” Youth-friendly GCARD2

Setting the scene Between 16 and 20 Young people present flesh&bones at GCARD2 YPARD pre-event session. Some of them leave shortly to pop-up in other pre-event sessions related to their field of expertise or regional activities. Many of them are also GCARD2 Social reporting trainees. Laptop in hands, they replace the traditional note-taking to tweeting! So, to this bunch of YPs,... Continue reading

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  • Uruguay
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1 Hits
1 Hits

Engaging with youth in Agriculture - YPARD GCARD2 Pre-conference meeting

“Agriculture is an ageing and undervalued profession in many countries and special attention must be given to encouraging young people into careers in all aspects of AR4D...It is important that young people themselves help express what changes are needed in agricultural education and incentives to make careers more attractive and valued and better recognize the range of roles now required in... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  816 Hits
816 Hits

Give your youth perspective: The state of “Foresight” in agriculture and rural development

The state of "Foresight" Foresight (ability to explore/anticipate and plan the future) is considered essential for understanding future agricultural and rural development contexts and changes around the world, and for driving the research and innovation required to meet these needs.  An inventory of forward looking anticipatory works was conducted earlier this year by GFAR, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research. A... Continue reading
  971 Hits
971 Hits

On our road to GCARD2: YPARD Youth involvement!

It has been a long journey since we started preparing Youth involvement into GCARD2 (the 2nd Global Conference for Agricultural Research for Development). There is still a long way to go : GCARD2 being a huge event and hopefully the starting point of new exciting projects. Here is a small brief on the distance run so far, and the up-coming GCARD2... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  761 Hits
761 Hits

Engaging youth in rural transformation – 3rd RUFORUM Biennal Conference

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is - in short - a network of 29 universities in eastern and southern Africa working with other partners, to enhance high education quality and impact in the field of agriculture. YPARD was invited at the 3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference, last September, 24-28, 2012, in Entebbe, Uganda. The objective of this... Continue reading
  934 Hits
934 Hits

3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference – strengthening RUFORUM action!

The 3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference was held, last September, 24-28, 2012, in Entebbe, Uganda. The objective of this meeting was to exchange findings and experiences, and indentify lessons learned in order to improve performance of the agricultural sector. Discussions turned around strengthening Science and Technology capacity in Africa, strengthening value chains and innovation platform, and engaging African Youth in Rural Transformation.... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  1355 Hits
1355 Hits

Mary...a strong voice coming from the ground!

The 3rd RUFORUM Biennial Conference was held, last September, 24-28, 2012, in Entebbe, Uganda. The objective of this meeting was to exchange findings and experiences, and indentify lessons learned in order to improve universities performance for agricultural development. Mary Ebukalin was invited to share her experience and insight, as an end-user, on the impact of higher education on agricultural development. Mary... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  826 Hits
826 Hits

Welcoming YPARD France representative!

September 2012 welcomed 2 new YPARD country representatives in Europe!  Myriam Perez Dumoulin is our new YPARD France representative !  After a short mission in summer 2011 where she performed an employability assignment commissioned by the AgrisMundus master of sciences Secretariat, she has now returned to Montpellier SupAgro to another exciting project in contact with foreign students of agricultural engineering. Myriam... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  789 Hits
789 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Switzerland representative!

September 2012 welcomed 2 new YPARD country representatives in Europe!  Johanna Gysin is our new YPARD Switzerland representative !  You bet Johanna is passionate about agriculture and Asia ! Johanna is currently enrolled in a part time master studies at the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) in Zollikofen, Switzerland, with a major in Management of Value Chains. Her... Continue reading

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  • Switzerland
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  940 Hits
940 Hits

GCARD2 Youth e-discussions kicking-off

Bring out the voice of the youth on several issues related to capacity development in agricultural research for development. Join one of three online groups according to your topic of interest, and share your ideas on youth engagement, from Monday 3 September until 14 September 2012: Agricultural innovation systems -> What are steps towards greater engagement with youth to create stronger... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  701 Hits
701 Hits

Welcome to our newest YPARD Steering Committee member!

YPARD Steering Committee welcomes on board Femke Van der lee, an enthusiast and bright young woman from the Netherlands, interested in agricultural and environmental concerns in developing countries.Her interest for agricultural research and development grew during her study in International Development at Wageningen University. She specialised in rural development sociology and did an internship in Cuba where she worked and lived... Continue reading
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0 Hits

"Seeing Thoughts" video contest - moving onto capturing youth stories into documentaries!

We are moving onto the second and final phase of the YPARD Seeing Thoughts video contest : elaborating documentaries. YPARD Seeing Thoughts video competition is an attempt to capture and showcase the voices of youth and their contribution to agriculture for development, whether in research, in production or assisting a community to develop a sustainable livelihood. The project was divided into... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Counting down before the International Youth Day (IYD) 2012!

Tell us about your partnership initiatives for youth inclusion for agricultural development!On August 12, we will be celebrating the Youth on International Youth Day. The assigned theme for 2012 is: Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth, meant to celebrate and solicit action together with and for the youth!Initiated by the UN Secretary-General, this event encourages for multiple stakeholders to discuss... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  739 Hits
739 Hits

The African Economic Outlook 2012 focusing on Youth Employment - YPARD Brief

I was invited by GYIN (Global Youth Innovation Network) to attend - on behalf of YPARD - the presentation of the African Economic Outlook 2012 focusing on Youth Employment, at IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), on Friday 8 June. The presentation included a short macro-economic overview and a discussion on youth employment enhancement. Let me emphasize here the key aspects... Continue reading
  971 Hits
971 Hits

Youth unemployment in Africa – enhancing appropriate skills and job creation!

I was invited by GYIN (Global Youth Innovation Network) to attend - on behalf of YPARD - the presentation of the African Economic Outlook 2012 focusing on Youth Employment, at IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), on Friday 8 June 2012. The presentation included a short macro-economic overview and a discussion on youth employment enhancement. This was an excellent opportunity for... Continue reading
  1047 Hits
1047 Hits

Welcoming YPARD South Africa representative: Shakespear Mudombi

YPARD is glad to welcome its new YPARD South Africa representative: Shakespear Mudombi. Shakespear is a doctoral student based at the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (Faculty of Economics & Finance) of Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests include: ICTs,  agricultural technology adoption, science, technology and innovation (STI) systems, climate change information and knowledge transfer.... Continue reading

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  • South Africa
  937 Hits
937 Hits

How to apply for an opportunity—successfully!

When applying for an internship, job or call for participation, there are key points not to miss in order to pass the first round of selection and potentially get an interview. YPARD has been proposing a number of opportunities in the past few years and we have taken the chance to list a number of tips that will help optimize your... Continue reading

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  • Access to resources and capacity building
  1227 Hits
1227 Hits

YPARD 2011 activity report now available online!

Most of you know YPARD as an international platform through which  young professionals are able to express their ideas and realise their full potential towards a dynamic ARD. You might not know about all of the other activities that are going on worldwide, at local, national, regional and global levels. You can now find the YPARD 2011 activity report in the... Continue reading
  713 Hits
713 Hits