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Solving the puzzle of global hunger and food insecurity

The state of the world; today and tomorrow The Report of the State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2013) revealed that about 870 million people, that is, one-eighth of the world population are suffering from chronic hunger. Statistically, the developing countries largely account for about 98% of the world hunger... Continue reading

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Youth in Agriculture & Rural Development in Egypt - YPARD Perspective

On October the 7th 2014, YPARD Egypt in collaboration with the Foundation of Sinai Youth for Development and Human Rights organized a workshop at the headquarters of the Foundation in Al-Arish city, North Sinai, Egypt. The meeting had the participation of a total of 26 young people (14 women and 12 men) from North and South Sinai provinces. The attendees consisted... Continue reading

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  • Egypt
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Students, Young Professionals, Universities and Employers get together – YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair

Exploring how to match the needs and the resources of the job market; this was the purpose of the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. The fair gathered a majority of Master and Phd students, some young professionals and employers and university professors.... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming YPARD Portugal representative: Carlos Silva

We are delighted to welcome YPARD new national representative for Portugal: Carlos Silva. Carlos has a degree in Biology and a master in Environmental contamination and toxicology. After finishing his studies at the University of Porto, Portugal he moved to Lisbon to work in Genetics applied to Agriculture. Then, after two years working in investigation, he started to work in knowledge... Continue reading

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  • Portugal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Me and the 'wonder crop'

Nigeria cultivates a large array of food and cash crops among which rice has emerged as the fastest growing sub-sector and a popular staple food, especially for urban dwellers. Rice is cultivated in virtually all of Nigeria’s agro-ecological zones. These versatile attributes make it a unique crop with various potentials for enhancing productivity, thus this had made rice to be specially... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Be entrepreneur; Create Opportunities!

What is it to be an entrepreneur? Being entrepreneur is about exercising “Freedom, Vision and Passion” – our panel of seven young entrepreneurs assert, during the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. Young people have many innovative ideas. At a time where precarity... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming YPARD Kosovo representative: Hana Voca

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Kosovo: Hana Voca. Hana has a degree in Horticulture from the Ege University, Turkey. After finishing her studies, Hana went to Italy to carry out a master program on organic agriculture at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Her bachelor graduation thesis was titled “Contemporary Forms of Slavery in... Continue reading

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  • Republic of Kosovo
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Are you employable? - TIPS from YPARD members

YPARD Community was solicited to share their “employability tips” through E-discussions prior to the YPARD and Agrinatura career fair, September 16, Prague. What were the “musts” during your job seeking?What was the “secret” of your success in getting employed?What are the strong points your manager appreciate the most of you? “There are three key aspects to take in account: You, Your... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Zeolites in Agriculture

What are zeolites? Zeolites are microporous crystals, typically consisting of the elements of Earth’s crust: silicon, aluminium and oxygen, what makes them strong materials - in essence nanoporous rocks. Their pores are of molecular dimensions thereby providing size and shape selectivity for guest molecules. Zeolites are formed from SiO44- and AlO45- tetrahedra linked through the shared oxygen atoms. Thus formed rigid... Continue reading

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Employers tell what they want from you(th)

Five employers participated to the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. They were representing different stakeholders:  the Czech NGO: "people in need", the GRET, Myelen: a microfinance/microcredit agency, Superior: a seed company in Serbia, IFAD: the International Fund for agricultural development.  They mentioned... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Alumni: how we got employed

Young Professionals from different regions of the world were invited to share their experience of job hunting, during the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. "I didn't apply for many jobs; I wanted to keep a focus, target and apply for those jobs... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people

Knowledge Exchange Systems to Promote Youth in Landscape Approaches

Family farmers are intrinsically linked to their communities and landscapes, transmitting knowledge, skills, practices and technologies from generation to generation. Yet at the same time, the ever-encroaching crush of urbanization and ever-increasing disparity between dwindling income and soaring expenses play a major part in the rural landscapes that are fading at an alarming rate. The global trend of a small family... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Pakistani Scientists urge to draw up a roadmap to tackle climate change

An international seminar titled “Global changes and Pakistan perspective” with the theme “Climate, water and agriculture nexus: a futuristic approach to fight hunger” was arranged by the University of Agriculture of Faisalabad (UAF)’s Agro Climatology Laboratory on Tuesday 16th of September.  The Punjab Education and Law Minister, Rana Sanaullah said that the country was passing through difficult times as the floods had played... Continue reading

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  • Pakistan
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Welcoming YPARD new Web4knowledge intern: Gwladys Mabah

YPARD is delighted to welcome Gwladys Mabah as YPARD new Web4Knowledge intern. Gwladys will be working some 15 hours a week remotely from Cameroon, on posting information on YPARD website and disseminating it through YPARD different social media channels -on Facebook page and group, LinkedIn page and group, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest-. Gwladys is a PhD student in Economics at the... Continue reading

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Forum for the Future Shows Organizations that Sustainability Is a Great Investment

According to a recent report by Forum for the Future, a sustainability advisory nonprofit based in the U.K., “doing the right thing for our food system” by investing in good nutrition can reap significant financial rewards; however, stagnation can be incredibly costly. Their report, Nutrition: An Emerging Threat or an Opportunity? analyzed the financial risks of food manufacturers who make products that are high in fat,... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Does a child know where the food is coming from?

“Team for education and culture” TOK from Belgrade, Serbia has an interesting project with the aim to show to the next generations that living in the rural areas is something very positive and special. The project consists of educating the youngest ones to appreciate farming and farmers, and know where our food is coming from. Life in the city Vs Life... Continue reading

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  • Serbia
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Web 2.0 and Social media for Development

“Web 2.0” - you have probably heard it and wondered what it really means. Is it a buzz word? Or could it be something important for your work? Web 2.0 refers to free or low-cost interactive web-based services that help people share information online more easily than with earlier tools. Besides, it emphasizes the possibility for many people who are not... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Food: what makes agriculture sexy!

An european young professionals' experience Young professionals are motivated and willing to bring ideas to adapt to change. They enjoy working as inter-disciplinary teams which is crucial in designing solutions that answer inter-connected development issues. Through YPARD: the international network of young professionals for agricultural development, they gain the credibility to represent the youth around the world within agricultural stakeholders' discussions.... Continue reading

Quinoa - A Super Food

Quinoa is a new crop with grains of superior nutritional profile as compared to common cereals. Its grain has higher protein and K, Ca, Mg, Mn than other cereals like wheat, rice and maize. Due to its nutritional importance for future food security, FAO declared 2013 as "The International Year of the Quinoa”. This is also the reason why on the past... Continue reading

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  • Pakistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Breaking the Youth-Unemployment-Violence link in the Sinai Region of Egypt through Agriculture

The Egyptian Peninsula of Sinai is a strategically significant triangle bounded by the Mediterranean to its north, Gaza and Israel to its east, and the Suez Canal to its west. Through the Suez Canal, Sinai serves a land bridge connecting Africa and Asia. Moreover, some 8% of global trade transits through the Suez Canal, including 3 percent of global oil supplies.... Continue reading

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  • Egypt
  • Sharing Information and connecting people