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Welcoming YPARD Gambia representative: Haddy Ceesay

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Gambia representative, Haddy Ceesay. As a farmer’s daughter, agriculture has always been a part of her life. She remembers her father nurtured the passion and love that she and her siblings have for agriculture while they were very young. The family had a backyard garden and their father used to come home with farm... Continue reading

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  • Gambia
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Welcoming YPARD China country representative: Zhong Li

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD China country representative, Mr Zhong Li. Mr Li received his master’s degree of International Trade and Investment Policy from Elliott School of International Affairs of George Washington University and dual bachelor’s degrees of Economics from University of Colorado Denver and China Agricultural University. During his study, Mr Li worked closely with the International Monetary... Continue reading

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  • China
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Highlights of the third global nutrition symposium 2019

Improving the livestock system is one of the ongoing global issues all around the world.  It serves as a mandatory subject in uplifting the economic standard of the country. It is imperative to bring livestock production to sustained development roads to extend our reach for improving human nutrition, health and incomes. There’s a need to intensify smallholders livestock systems with the... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Youth as anchors of technology adoption through agripreneurship

Agriculture in Africa has a massive social and economic footprint to improve livelihoods and grow the economy. More than 60 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa are smallholder farmers, with over 50 percent of the continent’s population falling below age 30. Also, about 23 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP comes from agriculture. Yet, Africa’s full agricultural potential remains hugely untapped.... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Asia Open Access 2019: A platform for open data

Asia Open Access Dhaka 2019, was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on March 6-7, hosted by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) in association with Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR). In the conference, six technical sessions and one concluding and recommendation session were included. During the two-day program, a special seminar and workshop on open access and open science, open education: focus on... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Malawi must harness the innovative minds of its youth for a climate smart future: Blessings Likagwa

Blessings Likagwa has a passion for farming. The 29-year-old farmer from Kasungu, Malawi was recently recognized by the 2019 MAIZE Youth Innovators Awards – Africa for his work using data from drones to implement climate smart improvements on his maize farm, and inspiring other local farmers to do the same. Blessings is the first ever winner in the “farmer” category of the awards.... Continue reading

YPARD Serbia media highlight – spreading the news

For a year now, YPARD Serbia has been trying to promote its achievements through web and TV media. That led us to many partnerships and support by young farmers and associations. By the end of April, we got a call from “eKapija” reporter, a very followed web portal in Serbia, to have an interview about YPARD Serbia and young farmers in... Continue reading

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  • Serbia

My road to aquaponics training

In August 2017, after joining the Facebook group of Bangladesh Fisheries Community, I learned about two days long training program/ workshop on aquaponics (the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics) under the supervision of Dr M. A. Salam, Professor from Aquaculture Department at Bangladesh Agricultural University, and interested people were invited to contact there.  I was quite curious before this training because... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

YPARD Peru starts the second Ruralist Youth School

We are proud to announce our second Ruralist Youth School.  This is an initiative that YPARD Peru has been working on since 2016 when the first Ruralist Youth School took place. This event is confirmed by eleven sessions (four of them have already taken place). The major themes that have been studied so far are key points on agrarian rural development,... Continue reading

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  • Peru
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Lesson learned from two days’ workshop

As a bachelor’s student in food technology (3rd Year) in Pokhara Bigyan Tatha Prabidhi Campus, Nepal, it was not so easy to perform the statistical test and use the excel software. Recently, I attended the training program; basic level training on excel, spss, design expert and endnote, organized by Nepal Food Technology Students Association (NEFTSA), supported by Pokhara Bigyan Tatha Prabidhi... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
  • Access to resources and capacity building

African Agriculture through the Business Lens

The tale of Africa is a sweet one that captivates the mind. I vividly remember while growing up, my history teacher explicitly told us the stories of different African countries, leaders and Africa’s wealth of resources. In another class, my agricultural science teacher knew how to trigger discussion on the green African pasture and the African green revolutionary movement. The first... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Promoting inclusive Agri-preneurship Development for Youth in Africa

It is no news that Africa has one of the largest growing populations and from this expansion, Sub-Saharan Africa’s labour force is also expanding at a rate of 3 percent per year with an additional 375 million young people expected to reach working age by 2035. From these emerging figures and trends, the fact remains that agriculture is key to Africa’s... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Promote agriculture among young people

A Tajik tale of agricultural innovation

Since the ndependence of Tajikistan, almost three decades have passed since the first collective-farm system (USSR agricultural system) broke up.  The agricultural world in all developed countries has stepped far forward. However, some Tajik (Tajikistan is a Central Asian country) agricultural farmers are still afraid of innovations in this system and refuse to introduce any innovations on their land plots. The... Continue reading

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  • Tajikistan
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

FARA hosts African youth in agriculture

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) in collaboration with the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) hosting more than sixty young men and women, involved in diverse agricultural value chains, at the FARA Secretariat in Accra. The participants have been drawn from twenty-six countries across the region. The three-day workshop is being organized as part of FARA’s efforts to... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Access to resources and capacity building

FARA: Leveraging technology for inclusive agripreneurship development in Africa

About 60 youths from across Africa  gathered in Accra, Ghana, last week, for a 3-day agricultural engagement workshop themed: “Strategic Engagements and Capacity Development of Youth in Agri-preneurship for Technology Adoption,” aimed at leveraging shared experiences of youths to develop a framework for youth engagement with a focus on inclusive agripreneurship development. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Access to resources and capacity building

FARA engages African youths on technology adoption in agri-prenuership

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa`s agricultural engagement workshop on the theme: “Strategic Engagements and Capacity Development of Youth in Agri-prenuership for Technology Adoption,” and scheduled for May 2-4 2019 has commenced in Accra, Ghana. The three-day workshop is being co-hosted by FARA with Young Professionals in Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD) in partnership with African Development Bank (AfDB); West and... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Promote agriculture among young people

It all begun from craving bread!

Can you imagine the feeling of craving a kind of food which is scarce in the world that you are living in? I’ve been there and I did have that feeling. This is the story of Ny Veit, a young agricultural professional who went from being an orphan with a bachelor’s degree on food science in Cambodia to becoming an Erasmus... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic

YPARD Serbia- Becoming a source of information for young Serbian farmers!

At the beginning of March 2019, YPARD Serbia with the support from YPARD Europe has launched a new web site “Mladi u agraru/Youth in agriculture” with the aim of providing information on young farmers in Serbia, challenges they face, news about young farmers in the country, subsidies, stories about their production, how they face climate change, growing organic food, ecology. This... Continue reading

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  • Serbia

What is mentoring about

Last January we conceived and put in place an on-site mentoring program along with the Living Territories conference. Let us share with you what we learned from this experience: We are YPARD Serbia and YPARD France representatives, both of us are based in Montpellier so it is easy for us to work together to put in place common YPARD activities. Last... Continue reading

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  • France

Youth from everywhere to Bonn in 2018: #ThinkLandscape

Progressing from commitment to action was a tag line that made more than a thousand representatives of government, NGOs and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, scientists, media and youth converge in #GLFBonn2018, from 29th November – 2nd December 2018.    It was a great opportunity for global deliberation on issues related to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through a... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people